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Vistelsestipendiat 2023

In March 2023, Art in Halland invited visual and applied artists with a connection to Halland to apply for a residency scholarship for Ricklundsgården in Saxnäs (15-28 September). Of the submitted applications, the jury has decided to award the scholarship to Tove Möller.

Tove Möller (born 1986) grew up in Laholm and currently lives and works in Stockholm. Tove is educated at Gerlesborgsskolan and the Royal Institute of Art (KKH) in Stockholm.

Tove’s artistry explores the relationship between nature and man. Most often, the pieces are based on a specific location. She works with sound, sculptures, and installations, mainly in textile, glass, and metal, but she also uses motors, computers, and amplifiers, and she builds speakers and microphones. She tries to create methods to take in locations and occurrences from several different perspectives to handle everything that is beyond human and shift power relationships and viewpoints. Tove Möller has exhibited her works at the Halmstad Art Gallery in 2021 and the Rydals Museum in 2022.

The jury’s motivation for this residency states: “Tove Möller wishes to take on the landscape and locations around Saxnäs in a new and exciting way. We are intrigued and look forward to seeing what her residency will amount to. Everything from her research on the remnants of the mining industry to the sound of water and broken horizons is highly topical up here in the north.”

The residency scholarship is an exchange program between Art in Halland and the Art Consultants in Västerbotten County. The scholarship jury consisted of Karin Kvam, Art Consultant Region Jämtland Härjedalen, and representatives from Art in Halland. The final decision for the residency was made by the host institution.

At the same time as Tove Möller travels to Ricklundsgården in Saxnäs, an artist named Helena Wikström, based in Västerbotten county, travels to Halland county, where her base will be Halmstad. The host for this residency is Halland Art Museum and Art in Halland.

In parallel, a pedagogical project is also being carried out between school classes in Halmstad, Laholm, Saxnäs, and Dikanäs.

Read more about the program here.