Welcome to an exciting and interactive drawing workshop with Canadian artists Matt Shane and Jim Holyoak, currently being exhibited at Teckningsmuseet (Museum of Drawings) with their Walloways exhibition and a residency project in a joint venture with Art in Halland.
The workshop will be led remotely by the artists via ZOOM, which means people all across the globe can attend. Matt Shane will be at Teckningsmuseet and Jim Holyoak in British Columbia. They will share a number of drawing games and exercises with the audience, a range of activities that they have gathered during their long experience and joint creative projects. You can join in and draw on your own, or with someone or some people wherever you are in the world.
Alongside their own individual artistry, Matt and Jim have created art together for more than 20 years. In Matt and Jim’s art, we find enormous, organic drawings from floor to ceiling with a strong sense of nature, landscapes where the lush, wild nature intermingles with the partly disintegrating creations of mankind, where animals and creatures of real and imaginary character live.
Matt Shane, born in 1981 in Vancouver, works as an artist and art teacher in Montréal in the Québec province. He paints and draws and often works on themes where civilisation intermingles with and is broken down by the wild nature.
Jim Holyoak was born in 1978 in the US, but grew up in the small town of Aldergrove in Canada. He is active as an artist and author, based in the British Columbia province. Jim mainly works with drawings themed around the wild, lush nature, its creatures and essences, real and imaginary.
Date: Saturday 9 October, 4 pm – 7 pm via Zoom.
Registration: Accessible through pre-registration only. Register no later than 8 October by emailing konstihalland.bokning@hallandskonstmuseum.se
Please note! This is free of charge, a limited number of tickets.
More detailed information about this workshop will be sent out by email after we have received your registration.